Denis Ryan

ELECTED ARWS 2008 & RWS 2011


Denis was born in London and studied for an MA in Fine Art at Watford, Hornsey and Ravensbourne colleges of art.  His career began in film animation and, later, illustration.  Successfully combining both, he worked on award-winning films as well as numerous TV and film commercials.
Having worked in commercial art since leaving art school he is now painting for himself fulltime.  He exhibits with the RWS and has exhibited in Cork Street, the Royal Academy, Mayfair and internationally in Italy, China and the USA (Charleston, Texas and the OK Harris Gallery in New York, home of realist painting).  Denis fills notebooks with sketches and ideas on his travels, collecting collage material and taking many photographs.  He has a strong emotional attachment to the city and the recurrent motifs in many of his paintings reflect this, particularly his recent series of neon signs.